Protest - MLS 10 Middle GF 3 Duffy vs Cocal rule 18.3

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Protest - MLS 10 Middle GF 3 Duffy vs Cocal rule 18.3

Post by duffy »

Submission Type:

1. Your registered Boat Name: Duffy

2. Race Day: MLS 10 GF

3. Group: Middle

4. Race : 3

5. Time (in Replay): 12.55

6. Rule(s) applicable: 18.3

7. Skipper(s) involved: Cocal, Josen, Duffy

8. Description: On starboard fetching windward mark to pass to port Josen inside leeward and with overlap Duffy ouside windward. On port Cocal, sho after entering the zone tacks from port to starboard (12.52) with inside overlap on Josen, but can not pass the mark without steering above closed haul ande even passes head to wind (13.04). Hereby Cocal is forcing Josen and Duffy to sail above closed haul to avoid contact and therefore breaking rule 18.3.

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Joined: Thu Aug 09, 2018 6:42 pm

Re: Protest - MLS 10 Middle GF 3 Duffy vs Cocal rule 18.3

Post by Legsy »

Facts at topmark :
> Duffy and Josenrique are STB (Duffy is windward of Josenrique)
> Cocal is on port

> Cocal tacks leeward of Josenrique, outside of zone
> Cocal go head to wind in order to pass the topmark
> But between 13:01:97 and 13:03:45 (time in replay), Cocal tacks 2 times

> Josenrique and Duffy are forced to luff
> Duffy protest against Cocal
> Cocal doesn't answer to the protest

Decision :
> Protest ACCEPTED
> Cocal DSQ for breaking RRS13
> no further action against Josenrique and Duffy

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