How to fill out a Form for the Protest Committee

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Fix oder Nix
Posts: 26
Joined: Thu Jun 07, 2018 3:39 pm

How to fill out a Form for the Protest Committee

Post by Fix oder Nix »

How to fill out a Form for the Protest Committee

These instructions might seem a bit long and complicated, but if you follow them, your submissions will include all correct information required. Any submission lacking or including wrong information will be dismissed by the Protest Committee.
Type of Protest Committee Form
  • - Cancel Explanation (E) + Redress Request (E+R)
  • - Protest (P) + Redress Request (P+R)
  • - Redress Request (R)
  • - Skippers must be registered in the Forum
  • - In the Forum skippers must create a New Topic in: Major League
    Sailing /Season # /Explanation, Protest, Redress
  • - Each incident requires a new topic except two or more 17 pens in a cluster, (Pen 17.1 in game), where one explanation is sufficient. The Protest Committee (PC), will however, look at each pen individually within an incident.
  • - An Explanation or a Protest can also include a Redress Request, and a Redress Request can also be submitted on its own.
  • - For a valid PROTEST, it requires a Print Screen, attached: where your protest hail is to see

Information required
Event, Race Day #, Group, Race #, Submission Type
Submission Type: E, P, R, E+R, P+R
Type of information:
1. Your registered Boat Name
2. Race Day (1, 2, 3, 4, F(inal))
3. Group(Colour)
4. Race (1, 2, 3)
5. TimeinReplay(mm:ss)
6. Rule(s)applicable
7. Skipper(s)involved
8. Description
9. Print Screen attached (Y/N) (Mandatory for P and P+R)
10. Replay attached (Y/N) (Optional)
Required information:
- E and E+R: 1-8 (10)
- P and P+R: 1-9 (10)
- R: 1-8 (10)
But no worries, ;) most of the writing is done and you just have to fill the red colored Notes with your individual words, letters & numbers, marked red in the EXAMPLE below.
So go ahead :D


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Subject: Season 8, Race Day 2, Group Blue, Race 3, Protest
1. Your registered Boat Name: Markduster
2. Race Day #: 2
3. Group:Blue
4. Race #: 3
5. Time(inReplay):14:35
6. Rule(s) applicable: 10, 15, 18.3a
7. Skipper(s)involved: CarbonSplinter
8. Description: Carbon Splinter approached on 1st windward mark from
port. Carbon Splinter tacked into the zone and forced me to avoid collision. After Carbon Splinter completed his tack, he forced me to sail higher than close hauled.

9. Print Screen attached: Y
10. Replay attached: Y

Example.jpg (355.6 KiB) Viewed 7652 times
(47 Bytes) Downloaded 511 times
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Below the Form is a tab “Attachments”. Click on the tab to add file(s).
Print Screen:
In the game you press F10 to make a Screen Shot. If possible, please save a copy of the Screen Shot as a jpg file and use that file as attachment. It saves a lot of space compared to the original bmp file.
(Other tools can also be used to make Screen Shots).
If you would like to add a Replay, (optional), look up the file in the game and add it as attachment.
Final check
Before you submit the Form, click “Preview” to check that everything looks OK. If you have any technical issues using the Forum, contact a.s.a.p.

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