Submission Type: E + P
1. Your registered Boat Name: Ryh00
2. Race Day: 3
3. Group: Blue
4. Race : 2
5. Time (in Replay): 15:20
6. Rule(s) applicable: 11,19
7. Skipper(s) involved: Ryh00, Nick-Cromit
8. Description:
Me and Nick-Cromit were sailing on port tack overlapped. I was the windward boat. There was a boat (Goffe) aproaching us on starboard tack. I tried to go behind Goffe but Nick-Cromit didn't give me enough room. He didn't ask for a room to tack in this situation.
9. Print Screen attached: (required for a valid PROTEST)
10. Replay attached: (optional)[/b ]No
MLS Season 9, Race Day 3, Group Blue, Race 2, E + P Ryh00 vs Nick-Cromit
Moderators: Protest Committee, Race Committee
Re: MLS Season 9, Race Day 3, Group Blue, Race 2, E + P Ryh00 vs Nick-Cromit
Rules of MLS states, that the time given in explanation shall be replay time, and not game time.
Ryh00 gives game in post, and therefore breaks the rules of MLS.
Therefore PC can't accept the explanation of Ryh00.
Ryhoo DSQ +1 point
PC for MLS
Rules of MLS states, that the time given in explanation shall be replay time, and not game time.
Ryh00 gives game in post, and therefore breaks the rules of MLS.
Therefore PC can't accept the explanation of Ryh00.
Ryhoo DSQ +1 point
PC for MLS