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MLS Season9-Day4, Pen Cancels and Chat Pens, 2019-04-00

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2019 12:57 am
by Goffe
MLS Season09 Day4, Cancel Requests, Manual Protests and Redress Requests 2019-04-09
Time (in game) Cancel/Protest Boat asking/protesting Boat cancelling/protested Rule Comment

Blue Group
Race 1, Working Class Hero
07:05 C JamminDovetails/TTW West Fiducit III/VSKFunsters 13
07:27? P JamminDovetails/TTW West Fiducit III/VSKFunsters
10:33 C Peppino/VSKFunsters Ryh00/POL-VSC 10
22:32 C Peppino/VSKFunsters Duffy/Jedi 15

Race 2, Hear the Wind Howl
18:37 C Carly Master/TTW West Q23 SUI 007/VSKFunsters 18.2.b
20:07 C Zez/TTW West Q23 SUI 997/VSKFunsters 16.1
20:34 C Fiducit III/VSKFunsters Valodea/Expendables 16.1 Not cancelled
20:58 Fiducit III writes: “Cancel”
21:10 P Zez/TTW West Piotr/POL-VSC
21:48 P Fiducit III/VSKFunsters Valodea/Expendables
21:57 Fiducit III writes: “He didn’t cancel pen”

Race 3, Come Home-MLS
No Pen Cancels or Manual Protests

Red Group
Race 1, Working Class Hero
22:17 C Petter/TTW East Frenito/BZH Connection 18.3.a

Race 2, Hear the Wind Howl
05:15 C Petter/TTW East Balder/Loyal Sailing 13
05:18 C Perry/Inglorious Bastards Cocal/Lupidimare 13
09:12 C Petter/TTW East Spirillen/Loyal Sailing 18.2.a
10:08 Spirillen writes: “360 done”
27:25 C Ed3v/Wind Riders Djonny/TTW East 16.1
29:26 P Jepsom/Inglorious Bastards Wetstuff/TTW East
29:33 P Wetstuff/TTW East Jepsom/Inglorious Bastards

Race 3, Come Home-MLS
08:41 C Petter/TTW East Nick-Cromit/Italian Wolves 13
08:46 C Petter/TTW East Ed3v/Wind Riders 18.2.a Not cancelled
09:07 C Jepsom/Inglorious Bastards Defender/Italian Wolves 16.1
09:45 P 103 SPX/BZH Connection Balder/Loyal Sailing
10:17 Balder writes: “360 done x 2”
10:31 C Frenito/BZH Connection Remm3y/Wind Riders 16.1
10:59 P Frenito/BZH Connection Remm3y/Wind Riders
12:40 Frenito writes: “360 done think x 5”

Re: MLS Season9-Day4, Pen Cancels and Chat Pens, 2019-04-00

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2019 7:50 pm
by Spirillen
MLS Season09 Day4, Cancel Requests, Manual Protests and Redress Requests 2019-04-09
Time (in game) Cancel/Protest Boat asking/protesting Boat cancelling/protested Rule Comment

Blue Group
Race 1, Working Class Hero
07:05 C JamminDovetails/TTW West Fiducit III/VSKFunsters 13 See below for decision.
07:27? P JamminDovetails/TTW West Fiducit III/VSKFunsters Protest upheld, pen canccel accepted, Fiducit DSQ.
10:33 C Peppino/VSKFunsters Ryh00/POL-VSC 10 Pen cancel accepted, no further action.
22:32 C Peppino/VSKFunsters Duffy/Jedi 15 Pen cancel accpeted, Duffy DSQ.

Race 2, Hear the Wind Howl
18:37 C Carly Master/TTW West Q23 SUI 007/VSKFunsters 18.2.b Not received, Carly DSQ.
20:07 C Zez/TTW West Q23 SUI 997/VSKFunsters 16.1 Pen cancel not accepted, Zez DSQ.
20:34 C Fiducit III/VSKFunsters Valodea/Expendables 16.1 Decision see protest below.
20:58 Fiducit III writes: “Cancel”
21:10 P Zez/TTW West Piotr/POL-VSC Pen cancel accepted, no RDG, Piotr takes pen turn so no action.
21:48 P Fiducit III/VSKFunsters Valodea/Expendables Protest upheld, Fiducit RDG 9 points, Valodea DSQ.
21:57 Fiducit III writes: “He didn’t cancel pen”

Race 3, Come Home-MLS
No Pen Cancels or Manual Protests

Red Group
Race 1, Working Class Hero
22:17 C Petter/TTW East Frenito/BZH Connection 18.3.a Pen cancel not accepted, Petter DSQ.

Race 2, Hear the Wind Howl
05:15 C Petter/TTW East Balder/Loyal Sailing 13 Pen cancel accepted, Balder DSQ.
05:18 C Perry/Inglorious Bastards Cocal/Lupidimare 13 Not received, Perry DSQ.
09:12 C Petter/TTW East Spirillen/Loyal Sailing 18.2.a Pen cancel not accepted, Petter DSQ, no further action.
10:08 Spirillen writes: “360 done”
27:25 C Ed3v/Wind Riders Djonny/TTW East 16.1 Pen cancel not accepted, Ed DSQ.
29:26 P Jepsom/Inglorious Bastards Wetstuff/TTW East No protest received, Jepsom +1 point.
29:33 P Wetstuff/TTW East Jepsom/Inglorious Bastards Protest upheld, Jepsom DSQ.

Race 3, Come Home-MLS
08:41 C Petter/TTW East Nick-Cromit/Italian Wolves 13 Pen cancel accepted, Perry DSQ.
08:46 C Petter/TTW East Ed3v/Wind Riders 18.2.a Not cancelled Not received, Petter DSQ as per rules of MLS, Ed DSQ for not cancelling pen.
09:07 C Jepsom/Inglorious Bastards Defender/Italian Wolves 16.1 Not received, Jepsom DSQ.
09:45 P 103 SPX/BZH Connection Balder/Loyal Sailing Protest upheld, Balder DNE.
10:17 Balder writes: “360 done x 2”
09:48 P Kenny v Albervita Protest upheld, Kenny RDG 1 point, Albervita DNE.
10:31 C Frenito/BZH Connection Remm3y/Wind Riders 16.1 Pen cancel not accepted, Frenito DSQ.
10:59 P Frenito/BZH Connection Remm3y/Wind Riders Protest with drawl accepted, no points added.
12:40 Frenito writes: “360 done think x 5”