Season 11, Day 1, Blue Server. Race 3, Cancel Explanation, batboat vs Ryh00

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Season 11, Day 1, Blue Server. Race 3, Cancel Explanation, batboat vs Ryh00

Post by Batboat »

Submission Type:
Pen cancel

1.Your registered Boat Name:

2.Race Day:

3.Group (colour):

4.Race (number):

5.Time (in Replay):

6.Rule(s) applicable:

7.Skipper(s) involved:
Batboat and Ryh00

Ryh00 and Batboat are approaching top mark on port. Ryh00 is windward boat and has inside overlap. Batboat receives a penalty (18.2.A). Batboat asks for cancel - and takes penalty as soon as possible after the incident. Batboat writes in chat: "360 done" (screenshot is uploaded).

Since Batboat receives penalty 18.2.A, Batboat must give Ryh00 "mark-room". In this situation Mark-Room (definition Mark-Room, litra b) means that Ryh00 must have room to round the mark as necessary to sail the course. Batboat does give Ryh00 room to round the mark. Batboat does not change course. Ryh00 though bear away unnecessarily close to Batboat and when very close to Batboat, Ryh00 makes a sudden change of course which results in the penalty. By doing so, Ryh00 is in violation with rule 16.1, because Ryh00 is right-of-way boat, and When a right-of-way boat changes course, she shall give the other boat room to keep clear.

9.Print Screen attached (required for a valid PROTEST):

10.Replay attached (optional):
ScreenShot10.bmp (7.91 MiB) Viewed 4392 times
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Re: Season 11, Day 1, Blue Server. Race 3, Cancel Explanation, batboat vs Ryh00

Post by venhobel »

PC can neglect the penalty BatBoat took, as the MLS rules says that a boat can't change her mind and do a pen turn later.

Rule 18 is not applicable, as Ryh00 had 2 lengths between BatBoat and the mark, and Ryh00 closed the gap to BatBoat initially.
BatBoat is right of way boat, and can choose what side to pass the obstructions on.
Obviously, the way he sails, he intend to pass them to the left.
If Ryh00 didn't bear away that much and crash with BatBoat, then BatBoat could have asked for room to tack, which there was time and space for at this moment.
Ryh00 was not (yet) entitled to room under rule 19 (only would have if BatBoat ducked starboard boats).

Decision :

> BatBoat's explanation ACCEPTED, but no redress because "the MLS rules says that a boat can't change her mind and do a pen turn later."
> Ryh00 DSQ for breaking RRS11
> No further action against BatBoat

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