MLS 8 - Day 1- Race 1-GREEN- PCRE Fix vs Sailor-GER WST

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Fix oder Nix
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MLS 8 - Day 1- Race 1-GREEN- PCRE Fix vs Sailor-GER WST

Post by Fix oder Nix »

Submission Type: Cancel Request explanation

1. Your registered Boat Name: Fix oder Nix *WR*

2. Race Day #: 1

3. Group: green

4. Race #: 1

5. Time (in Replay): 12:32.09

6. Rule(s) applicable: RRS 10, RRS 13, RRS 15, RRS 18.3

7. Skipper(s) involved: Sailor-GER WST

8. Description: Sailor approaching the 1. Topmark from port, shortly before he got a RRS 10 from Batboat. Me shortly tacked on pauline from port to starboard, was just rounding the 1. Topmark, as Sailor-GER WST just tacked in the zone from port to starboard and created a Mast-contact during the Tack. i got a wrong RRS 18.2a and had to request for a cancelation.

9. Print Screen attached (required for a valid PROTEST):
10. Replay attached (optional):
MLS 8 - Day 1 - Race 1.Replay.Gbx
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Fix protest Sailor S8 D1 R1.jpg
Fix protest Sailor S8 D1 R1.jpg (211.61 KiB) Viewed 9969 times
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Fix oder Nix
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Re: MLS 8 - Day 1- Race 1-GREEN- PCRE Fix vs Sailor-GER WST

Post by Legsy »


2 boats going up wind, both on port tack, sails for the mark, mark to be left to port.
Fixodernix is clear ahead of boat Sailor, Sailor is a little to windward of Fixodernix.

Fixodernix is RoW boat under rule 12.When she enters the zone she is clear ahead and entitled to mark -room under RRS 18.2b. However; this mark room does not include room to tack.

Fixodernix enters the zone, and starts to tack, so Fixodernix passes Head To Wind in the zone.

As soon as Fixodernix passes head towind RRS 18.2b ceases to apply and Fixodernix becomes keep clear boat under rule 13 While Tacking. As Sailor acquired RoW as a result of Fixodernix's actions, Sailor has no obligation to give Fixodernix room to keep clear under RRS15.

Fixodernix completes the tack,
When Fixodernix reaches a close hauled course she acquires RoW under RRS 10 and must initially give Sailor room to keep clear. This room includes room not to touch themark (see Definition Room).

Sailor still on port very close to mark, starts to tack and passes HTW in the zone.

Sailor reacts promptly in a seamanlike way (NB this is a conclusion) by tacking to keepclear. While she is sailing within the room to which she is entitled by RRS 15 she shall be exonerated for any breach of RRS 13 while she is tacking. Rule 18.3, Tacking in the Zone,does not apply because Fixodernix has not been on starboard since entering the zone.
As Sailor passes HTW, boat is right at the mark.

As both boats are now on the same tack RRS 18 applies. Sailor is now overlapped on the in side and entitled to mark-room under RRS 18.2a

Fixodernix holds its course,and there is mast contact, Sailor is not on closehauld course at the time of contact. (because it’s a game, only hull and mast is considered a part of the boat, the sails are not).

Fixodernix having acquired right of way did not initially give Sailor room to keep clear as required by RRS 15. Fixodernix, overlapped on the outside did not give Sailor mark-room as required by RRS 18.2a.

Sailor while tacking did not keep clear of Fixodernix as required by RRS 13 but as she was sailing within both the room and the mark room to which she was entitled she is exonerate under RRS 21a.

Fixodernix is given a pen RRS 18.2a, as a result of the contact.

However, the replay shows that there were 2 boats to leeward of Fixodernix. Venhobel is overlapped close to leeward of Fixodernix and slightly ahead, Spirillen is to leeward and ahead of Venhobel.

Spirillen has RoW over Venhobel and Fixodernix under RRS11. Venhobel and Fixodernix keep clear as Spirillen luffs head to wind.
Spirillen passes head to wind and becomes keep clear boat on Venhobel and Fixodernix . Venhobel cannot pass astern of Spirillen as she has already luffed above close hauled. Venhobel, now on a collision course with Spirillen is required to take avoiding action as required by RRS 14. Spirillen having passed head to wind and before reaching a close hauled course does not keep clear of Venhobel as required by RRS 13.

As Venhobel luffs and passes head to wind to avoid Spirillen, Fixodernix luffs to keep clear of Venhobel, then passes head to wind to avoid Venhobel. Venhobel, while tacking, did not keep clear of Fixodernix a required by RRS13.
Venhobel breaks RRS 13 as a consequence of Spirillen breaking RRS 13 and should be exonerated under RRS 64.1a.

Once Fixodernix, Venhobel and Spirillen have completed their tacks RRS 18.2a applies. Spirillen is required to give Venhobel sufficient mark-room so that Venhobel can give sufficient mark-room to Fixodernix so that Fixodernix can meet her obligations under RRS 15 and RRS 18.2a to give room and markroom to Sailor.

Spirillen does not give Venhobel sufficient mark-room as required by RRS18.2a. As a result Venhobel cannot give Fixodernix sufficient mark-room.


Spirillen breaks RRS 13 and 18.2a - DSQ
Venhobel breaks RRS 13 and 18.2a but is exonerated under RRS 64.1a - no further action
Fixodernix breaks RRS 15 and 18.2a but is exonerated under RRS 64.1a - Pen cancel accepted - no further action
Sailor breaks RRS 13 but is exonerated under RRS 21a - no further action

Legsy for MLS PC
Posts: 431
Joined: Thu Aug 09, 2018 6:42 pm

Re: MLS 8 - Day 1- Race 1-GREEN- PCRE Fix vs Sailor-GER WST

Post by Legsy »

Sorry for the delay in submitting this decision but as can be seen it was not as easy as it would seem. :)
Posts: 29
Joined: Fri Sep 07, 2018 10:57 pm

Re: MLS 8 - Day 1- Race 1-GREEN- PCRE Fix vs Sailor-GER WST

Post by sailor-ger »

Hello Andy,
a complicated case.
To solve this case has cost you a lot of time.
Thank you for the work you have done.
cu WiL

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