Grande finale, middle group, race 2, protest winthdraw

Moderators: Protest Committee, Race Committee

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Grande finale, middle group, race 2, protest winthdraw

Post by pitcairn56 »

Submission Type: Protest

1.Your registered Boat Name:Pitcairn

2.Race Day: Grande finale

3.Group (colour):Midlle

4.Race (number):2

5.Time (in Replay):15.35

6.Rule(s) applicable:2

7.Skipper(s) involved:CPT.J.Sparrow

In race 2 of the grand final, Damian collided with cpt.J.Sparrow.
Cpt.J.Sparrow writes "Fuck" on the chat. This violates the internal rules of the competition. I however decide to withdraw my protest considering that it is a word of frustration on his part and that it is what is written on the chat, that it is due to a loss of connection of Damian (to check ). However, it would be good not to use these words on the game and to shout it at home.

9.Print Screen attached (required for a valid PROTEST):
CPT.J.Sparrow.jpg (598.66 KiB) Viewed 4753 times
10.Replay attached (optional): Look the replay bandicam of operator please
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Re: Grande finale, middle group, race 2, protest winthdraw

Post by PC Admin »

Withdraw of Protest received in accordance with MLS Rules.
Withdraw accepted. No further action.

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