Submission Type: Cancel Explanation
1. Your registered Boat Name: SAF TTW
2. Race Day #: 1
3. Group: Red Server
4. Race #: 2
5. Time (in Replay): 10:54
6. Rule(s) applicable: 17.1
7. Skipper(s) involved: Colibri-UNT and FR985G
8. Description: At the 1st top mark I was sailing in between Colibri and FR985 while Colibri luffed me I luffed as well and received a 17.1 pen from FR985. I asked for cancellation as I think this pen is wrong
9. Print Screen attached (required for a valid PROTEST):
10. Replay attached (optional):Replay attached
MLS8 Day1 Race 2,Red Server, Cancel Explanation
Moderators: Protest Committee, Race Committee
Re: MLS8 Day1 Race 2,Red Server, Cancel Explanation
SAF is sailing proper course, keeping clear of leeward boats.
No rules broken.
SAF, pen cancel accepted, no further action.
Legs for MLS PC
SAF is sailing proper course, keeping clear of leeward boats.
No rules broken.
SAF, pen cancel accepted, no further action.
Legs for MLS PC