MLS8 Day1 Race 2,Red Server, Cancel Explanation

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MLS8 Day1 Race 2,Red Server, Cancel Explanation

Post by saf »

Submission Type: Cancel Explanation

1. Your registered Boat Name: SAF TTW

2. Race Day #: 1

3. Group: Red Server

4. Race #: 2

5. Time (in Replay): 10:54

6. Rule(s) applicable: 17.1

7. Skipper(s) involved: Colibri-UNT and FR985G

8. Description: At the 1st top mark I was sailing in between Colibri and FR985 while Colibri luffed me I luffed as well and received a 17.1 pen from FR985. I asked for cancellation as I think this pen is wrong

9. Print Screen attached (required for a valid PROTEST):

10. Replay attached (optional):Replay attached
Chantilly Lace 3(03'01''46).Replay.Gbx
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Re: MLS8 Day1 Race 2,Red Server, Cancel Explanation

Post by Legsy »

SAF is sailing proper course, keeping clear of leeward boats.
No rules broken.

SAF, pen cancel accepted, no further action.

Legs for MLS PC

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