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Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2021 3:33 pm
by zee-pol
Submission Type:

1. Your registered Boat Name:zee-pol

2. Race Day:2

3, Group (colour):red

4. Race (number):1

5. Time (in Replay):13.33.18

6. Rule(s) applicable:16.1

7. Boat(s) involved:ElMoro

8. Description:I received a penalty of 18.2A from ElMoro and I was doing it. ElMoro was also doing the penalty at the same time as me. At the end of the penalty I had to give way to the yacht Laj 2, which had the right of way. In the process of giving way to the yacht Laj got a penalty of 16.1 from Elmoro who was also finishing the penalty. I asked to cancel the penalty. There was no contact with ElMoro.

9. Print Screen attached (required for a manual protest):

10. Replay attached (recommended):

Re: explanation

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2021 4:29 pm
by euphoria

Can we get replays from both zee-Pol and Elmoro?

The Protest Committee

Re: explanation

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2021 3:23 pm
by euphoria

Zee-POL gave ElMoro room to keep clear.
ElMoro kept clear.

Cancel accepted

It was lag from ElMoro on Zee-POL's replay that made it look like ElMoro hit him with the stern.
ElMoro was apparently breaking rule 11 on Zee-POL's replay, but according to ElMoro's replay there was no contact and he was keeping clear.
Each boat will be judged by their own replays, see MLS rules 2.5 and 3.1.6.

The protest committee