A few ideas from my side while it's still fresh in my mind.
1. I think disallowing RTT on the layline is s good thing in VSK as it reduces the amount of chaos roundings, but it will probably be even better if it was limited to hails closer to the mark than 0.100 or 0.200nm. What do you think?
2. Skip the whole rule that requires a cancel explanation. The PC has the list of cancels from the video operator, and knows of all cancels. It's unnecessary bureaucracy to add more steps to it. If someone wants to submit their replay's to a cancellation case or defend their case, then of course they are free to do so.
3. The PC is tired of looking at situations that everyone knows are just VSK bugs, it's just time wasting. I propose that the PC only look at cancel situations that involves contact. This means the PC always will examine cancels for rules 11, 12, 15, 16 and 18. But not always for rule 10, 13, 17 and 2x - only for those pens if they included contact. This way we will not have to look at the stupid 17's and the 18's that comes at starboard rounding marks when a boat tacks under a port boat. If someone wants the PC to look at cancel situations that did not include contact, then any boat participating in the race can file a request (protest) in the protest forum. No hail required on the water.
Suggestions for season 17
Re: Suggestions for season 17
- Random maps (there, I said it... once again)
- A rounding buoy close to windward mark to avoid the port bargers (like they do in the TP class)

- A rounding buoy close to windward mark to avoid the port bargers (like they do in the TP class)

Re: Suggestions for season 17
- A better system for group compilation to achieve more variety from round to round.
Re: Suggestions for season 17
- Nett points from 4 first days carried into Final day
- Nett points from 4 first days carried into Final day