Protest - White Boat and Slyfox

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Chris - TWB
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Protest - White Boat and Slyfox

Post by Chris - TWB »

Submission Type: Protest

1. Your registered boat name: The White Boat

2. Group: Blue

3. Race (number): day 2 race 3

4. Time of incident (in replay): 19.25

5. Rule(s) applicable: 18.2

6. Boat(s) involved: Slyfox and The White Boat


8. Print Screen attached (required for a manual protest): Yes - see post below

9. Replay attached (recommended): Host replay
Last edited by Chris - TWB on Wed Oct 26, 2022 1:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Protest withdraw - White Boat and Slyfox

Post by euphoria »


I have fixed the host replay for blue race 3.

MLS 16 Blue Server Day2 Race3.Replay.Gbx
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Re: Protest withdraw - White Boat and Slyfox

Post by venhobel »


i took 2 screenshots from the replay - maybe they can help.

G, Rainer
mls16_d2_r3_protest02.PNG (1.09 MiB) Viewed 2111 times
mls16_d2_r3_protest01.PNG (1.1 MiB) Viewed 2111 times
Chris - TWB
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Re: Protest - White Boat and Slyfox

Post by Chris - TWB »

Thanks for fixing the replay. Now I have the replay I would like to proceed with the protest based on the host replay.
At mark 3 at about 19.25 in the replay as Slyfox enters the zone The White Boat has an overlap inside. Drawing a line across the stern of Slyfox as she enters the zone The White boat has an overlap. The White boat was forced to follow Slyfox around the mark rather than take the inside line.
The screen showing the P is attached
mls16_d2_r3_protest.PNG (1.72 MiB) Viewed 2103 times
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Re: Protest - White Boat and Slyfox

Post by euphoria »

Slyfox (SF) and The White Boat (TWB) enters the zone overlapped with TWB on the inside. SF has more speed and becomes clear ahead just before reaching the mark. SF rounds the mark 1/3 boat length ahead of TWB. Just before TWB has completed rounding the mark, she is 1/4 boat width clear astern of SF and stops luffing.

When TWB stopped luffing around the mark, SF was still clear ahead. If TWB had continued to luff, it would not have been risk of contact. SF gave mark-room.

Protest dismissed.

If the protestor wants to round the mark with a tighter entry, but believe that the other boat is denying her this room, then it is easier for her to prove her point if she actually sails to the mark as she intended and makes an avoiding action when it's obvious that room will not be given. In this case, the boats were closest after the mark when SF had completed the rounding, and SF lost speed in the end due to a late kite drop. If TWB had entered the zone tighter, she would normally have ended up wide out of the mark, alternatively very slow if she took a sharp turn to round the mark. In both cases, she would not have reached SF.

The protest committee
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