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MLS Season8-Day2, Pen Cancels and Chat Pens, 2018-10-16

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2018 1:55 am
by Goffe
MLS Season08, Day2, Pen Cancels and Chat Protests 2018-10-16
Time (in game) Cancel/Protest Boat asking/protesting Boat cancelling/protested Rule Comment

Blue Group
Race 1, TL14’ trinité f5 camster
27:42 P Blummin Ol’Messer/Genesis ? Writes: P AK DSQ for breaking RRS 11
28:03 P Blummin Ol’Messer/Genesis AK/Ineos Rebels Means AK Suited?
28:13 P Blummin Ol’Messer/Genesis ? Writes: P11

Race 2, Putti, Putti
00:10 C Toppen/BZH Connection N.Spanjic/WST 16.1 Pen cancel accepted, no further action

Race 3, The Tide Is High
12:51 P The J/Ineos Rebels ? Writes: P Protest dismissed J +1 point
13:59 P The J/Ineos Rebels kpkpk rcv10 Means Kokos?
14:38 P The J/Ineos Rebels kokos rcv10

Green Group
Race 1, TL14’ trinité f5 camster
10:55 C Flying Swede/TTW South Duffy/Jedi 15 Postpone + Request Cancellation Accepted
11:00 C Duffy/Jedi Beebob/Expendables 16.1 Pen cancel accepted-no further action
12:03 P Duffy/Jedi Flying Swede/TTW South Protest not upheld Duffy +1 point, Beebob DSQ for breaking RRS 13
12:39 Flying Swede writes: 360 done
12:45 Duffy writes: 360 done

Race 2, Putti, Putti
10:56 C Djonny/TTW South Q23 SUI 007/VSKFunsters 16.1 Djonny DSQ for break RRS 15
22:00 C Beebob/Expendables JackNordic/Jedi 17.1 Beebob pen cancel not accepted, Beebob DSQ

Race 3, The Tide Is High
14:32* C Freja/Jedi Batboat/Jedi 10 *Cancel time Pen cancel accepted - no further action
16:19* C Batboat/Jedi Q23 SUI 007/VSKFunsters 10 *Cancel time Batboat RET accepted, no further action

Red Group
No Pen Cancels or Chat Protests in any of the races. BRAVO !!!