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Green Server - Race 3 - Cancel Explanation for Excalibur

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2021 11:07 pm
by euphoria
Submission Type: Cancel Explanation

1. Your registered Boat Name: Excalibur

2. Race Day: 1

3, Group (colour): Green

4. Race (number) 3

5. Time (in Replay): 13:42

6. Rule(s) applicable: 16.1 and 18.3

7. Boat(s) involved: Windydays, Excalibur, Galaxy and Jepsom

8. Description:
Excalibur and Jepsom enter the zone on starboard, Excalibur overlapped to leeward. Excalibur entitled to room under 18.2.a
Both Windydays and Galaxy pass HTW in the zone, which activates 18.3 between them and the two stb boats.
Excalibur becomes overlapped to leeward of Galaxy, which means Galaxy shall give him mark-room under 18.3.
Windydays shall not cause Excalibur to sail above close-hauled to avoid contact under 18.3.

Excalibur was probably forced above close-hauled to avoid contact.
Windydays did not give Excalibur room to keep clear when he made the final luff around the mark.
For the record, Excalibur could not sail higher without hitting Galaxy to windward.
Galaxy had to give both Windydays and Excalibur mark-room, but I'm not sure if he gave this room.
Jepsom had to keep clear of Galaxy as windward boat, but I'm not sure if he did.
Tricky case, but I think it's sufficient to focus on the "initiator" of the situation, Windydays for 16.1.

9. Print Screen attached (required for a manual protest):

10. Replay attached (recommended):
MLS Race 3 Excalibur.Replay.Gbx
(3.05 MiB) Downloaded 264 times

Regards Harald on behalf of Excalibur

Re: Green Server - Race 3 - Cancel Explanation for Excalibur

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2021 8:42 pm
by Toppen
Facts :
Laj2 was STB
Windidays was on port, tacked in zone for fetching the topmark, with an overlap with Excalibur
Windidays had to luff in order to pass topmark without hitting it, and there was a mast hit between Windidays and Excalibur
Excalibur received RRS16.1, and asked to cancel
No penalty turn

Conclusion :
Windidays forced Excalibur to luff above close-hauled to avoid contact
Excalibur cancellation ACCEPTED
Windidays shall be scored DSQ for breaking RRS18.3

MLS Protest Committee