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MLS S13 - Day 3 - BLUE - Race 1 - Cancel Explanation

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2021 9:01 pm
by ryh00
Submission Type:

1. Your registered Boat Name: ryh00

2. Race Day: 4

3, Group (colour): BLUE

4. Race (number): 1

5. Time (in Replay): 24:30

6. Rule(s) applicable: 11, 16.1

7. Boat(s) involved: Kokos, ryh00

8. Description: Kokos was sailing windward overlapped to me. I was keeping higher course and the gap between the boats was getting smaller to a point at which we were in immediate contact zone. Kokos at all times had room to keep clear by luffing. I think I gave enough room to keep clear as for RRS 16. Still, I received penaly (16.1) which I asked to be canceled. I believe that Kokos broke RRS 11 in this situation and that there was enough room for him to keep clear.

9. Print Screen attached (required for a manual protest):

10. Replay attached (recommended): attached

Re: MLS S13 - Day 3 - BLUE - Race 1 - Cancel Explanation

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 10:27 am
by euphoria
Ryh00 to leeward of Kokos on close hauled.
Kokos sails a lower course, and is only a few centimeters from Ryh00.
Ryh00 bears away, and just over half a second later the boats hit.
Ryh00 got a penalty from the VSK Umpire under VSK Rule 16.1.

Ryh00 could not bear away without immediately making contact, hence Kokos were not keeping clear.
Kokos broke rule 11 and shall be scored DSQ in the race.
The cancellation from Ryh00 accepted.

MLS Protest Committee