Seasons 1-5 (excl. Finals)
- 168 races in total
- 16 teams in varying combinations
- 127 registered skippers, from
- 18 different countries
1. Spirillen 4,8
2. Desperados 4,8
3. Mikolaj 5,1
4. BatBoat 5,3
5. Ryh00 5,4
6. Jammin Dovetails 5,4
7. Slyfox 5,5
8. Fiducit III 5,6
9. ElMoro 5,7
10. Peppino 5,8
11. Camster 5,8
12. Djonny 5,8
- Sailed at least three seasons
- Sailed at least 15 races
- Season 1 converted with factor 0,8 due to 20 boats in each race instead of 16 boats/race in seasons 2-4
Want a "top list" also for number of
DSQs? :-)